Make Us Part of Your Celebration

Sharing is Caring!
Celebrations become brighter when celebrated together

Over 144 million children around the world are malnourished, and over 3 million children die from undernutrition every year. Every day, 10,000 children die from malnourishment. So many children who could have had a lifetime of opportunities and experiences in front of them but succumbed to a PREVENTABLE cause. This issue needs immediate attention. Kids Within the Reach has made its mission to address this global crisis. By providing milk to children in need, we can offer them the opportunities they deserve and a future in which they can excel.

Make Us Part of Your Celebration is an initiative we have launched to make our dream a reality. For a birthday, anniversary, holiday, religious ceremony, or any other event, share your happiness with others. A donation of $10 can provide 40 glasses of milk to children in need. By doing so, your special day will become even more special as we brighten the world for the kids, our future generation. Join us in our mission and let us all solve this issue, one glass of milk at a time.

You Can Save Lives Right Now

Every $10.00 donated to our organization helps provide
40 glasses of milk to children in need around the world

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